Nestled within the industrial heart of Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, lies a facility that showcases the transformative power of logistics in the face of demographic challenges. The Sagamihara Technology Center, marked by its sleek entra…
Less than two hours by train or car from metropolitan Tokyo, nestled in the Hakone mountains, sits Hakone Gora KARAKU (KARAKU). This is an onsen resort, a classic Japanese inn, with all that this implies in terms of privacy, a traditional …
With the arrival of robots, 3D printers and drones, the possibilities for businesses and our lives as whole are continuing to expand. However, the reality of the situation is that not everyone can immediately make full use of the latest eq…
Looking at the photos below, you might not think the terrace with a gorgeous view and a spacious café space could be part of a logistics facility…