
Business Overview

Real estate investment loans, corporate loans, consumer finance, and trust business

Sustainability Themes

  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
  • #Conserving energy / resources
  • #Investments and lending that take ESG into account
  • #Aging society

Our Approach to Our Sustainability Themes

In accordance with ORIX Bank’s material issues (materialities)Open Link in New Window(in Japanese), we will provide products and services that help resolve social issues, and implement initiatives to be a sustainable company.

  • We will continue with initiatives addressing material issues (materialities).
  • We will strengthen support functions for sustainability management, including energy transitions at business partners, in environmental fields such as renewable energy and green buildings, centered on the promotion of sustainable finance.
  • We will continue to promote DE&I, strategically develop IT personnel in the area of human capital, and enhance our sustainability promotion system and disclosure.

Business Activities and Sustainability Themes Matrix

Table of contents
  1. ORIX Bank Sustainable Investing and Lending Policy
    • #Investments and lending that take ESG into account
  2. Issuing sustainability bonds
    • #Investments and lending that take ESG into account
  3. Investing in environmentally-friendly condominiums
    • #Conserving energy / resources
    • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
  4. Products and services that accommodate an aging society
    • #Aging society
  5. Head office building achieves 100% renewable energy
    • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions

ORIX Bank Sustainable Investing and Lending Policy

  • #Investments and lending that take ESG into account

In February 2022, ORIX Bank established the ORIX Bank Sustainable Investing and Lending Policy. This policy is based on the Sustainability Policy ORIX Bank formulated in July of 2021, which serves to help appropriately evaluate investing and lending transactions from two perspectives: crafting positive impacts for society and the environment and controlling negative impact. The policy will be applied to all transactions henceforth and will help contribute to the creation of a more sustainable society.
Policy Overview:

Basic Stance ORIX Bank makes investment and lending decisions based on an appropriate assessment of positive and negative impacts on society and the environment, taking into consideration the environment, society, and governance (“ESG”) and the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”).
Creation of Positive Impact We conduct investment and lending centered on the following themes and priority issues, focusing on making a positive impact on the environment and society.
(1) Creating a sustainable economy and society
(2) Building safe and secure homes and lifestyles
(3) Realizing a society in harmony with nature
Curtailment of Negative Impact We classify areas that could have a negative impact on the environment or society into the following two categories for making business decisions.
(1) Those that are prohibited from receiving investment and lending regardless of businesses and sectors
(2) Policies pertaining to specific businesses and sectors

ORIX Bank Sustainability Policy can be found hereOpen Link in New Window(in Japanese).
ORIX Bank Sustainable Investing and Lending Policy can be found in full hereOpen Link in New Window(in Japanese).

Issuing sustainability bonds

  • #Investments and lending that take ESG into account

ORIX Bank has issued sustainability bonds since November 2022. Proceeds from the bonds will be used for investing in and lending for projects in the six business segments which meet the sustainability eligibility criteria defined in the sustainability finance framework that ORIX Bank has established. This framework has been assigned “SU1 (F),” the highest possible rating in the JCR Sustainability Finance Framework Evaluation by Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR).
Details regarding the Sustainability Finance Framework, third-party evaluation reports from the JCR, and a list of our past issuance can be found hereOpen Link in New Window(in Japanese).

Investing in environmentally-friendly condominiums

  • #Conserving energy / resources
  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions

The Japanese government aims to secure ZEH*-level energy saving efficiency for all new construction housing and buildings from FY2030, necessitating efforts to realize a carbon-free society for investment real estate properties as well.
To this end, ORIX Bank offers preferential interest rates for development capital and loans to retail investors for purchasing properties which are confirmed to have environmentally friendly features (such as ZEH-type properties). Our aim is to increase the number of properties that meet ZEH standards that are supplied to the market by providing financial support for costs associated with building real estate to ZEH specifications.

  • ZEH is an abbreviation for “Net Zero Energy House”. Houses that meet ZEH standards aim to reduce annual energy consumption to zero or less through energy conservation by introducing equipment with high insulation performance and efficient energy use and energy creation by generating electricity through solar power generation and other means.

Products and services that accommodate an aging society

  • #Aging society

ORIX Bank's Simple Inheritance Trust: Simplifying wills and inheritance

ORIX Bank offers products and services that respond to a growing interest and need in inheritance-related matters. ORIX Bank's Simple Inheritance Trust is a service that distributes funds deposited by the service user to a pre-designated beneficiary as a lump sum when inheritance needs arise.
The Simple Inheritance Trust is a service that completes contracts and other necessary processes by mail and over the phone without face-to-face interaction and allows funds to transfer smoothly from the benefactor to the beneficiary with minimal effort.
Additionally, this service includes the option of making bequests to CiRA (the Center of iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University) when inheritance needs come about. Service users can make use of this system to do their part in contributing to society by donating to the development of regenerative medicine utilizing iPS cells.

Related Link

ORIX Bank's e-Direct Family Trust

In Japan, higher life expectancy rates have brought about an “aging of financial assets”, as the ratio of personal assets held by senior citizens—compared to personal assets held by the rest of the population—continues to grow. At the same time, studies indicate that by 2025, 1 in 5 people age 65 and above will develop dementia*, and creating measures to maintain and manage an individual's assets in the face of cognitive decline has become a major societal theme.
ORIX Bank's e-Direct Family Trust supports the establishment of family trusts limited to specific assets in preparation for a decline in cognition due to dementia or other conditions, and the potential consequential deterioration in decision-making abilities. ORIX Bank provides services including consultation necessary to establish a family trust, introduction of legal scriveners which support the creation and signing of necessary documentation, and establishment of trust accounts.
ORIX Bank also provides real estate loans, including reverse mortgage loans, for investments that correspond to family trusts.

  • Source: Cabinet Office, Annual Report on the Aging Society, 2017

Related Link

Head office building achieves 100% renewable energy

  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions

ORIX Bank now powers its head office building entirely from renewable energy; as a result, the head office effectively uses 100% green energy. We are also making efforts to switch over to renewable energy sources at other locations.