
Business Overview

Leasing and rental of automobiles, car sharing, purchase and sales of used automobiles

Sustainability Themes

  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
  • #Promoting a circular economy
  • #Safe & secure mobility solutions
  • #Disaster recovery
  • #Improving labor productivity
  • #Regional vitalization
  • #Promoting innovation & technological change
  • #Aging society

Our Approach to Our Sustainability Themes

We will promote services that help to reduce environmental impact and ensure compliance with laws and regulations. We will also continue to promote and accelerate decarbonization in our own facilities and businesses.

  • By increasing the number of EV models on offer as well as proposing the installation of charging facilities, we will provide an environment where customers can easily introduce EVs on lease.
  • We will continue to transition our rental car and car-sharing vehicle fleets to next-generation vehicles*.
  • We will transition to green sources of electricity used at truck rental outlets, U-Car outlets, and bidding venues.
  • We will increase the use of rebuilt and used parts and components for vehicle maintenance to promote the circular economy and reduce environmental impact.
  • We will develop services in response to mandatory pre-driving alcohol checks. This will help eliminate dangerous driving such as driving under the influence and will promote DX in corporate fleet management.
  • Hybrid vehicles (HV), plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV), electric vehicles (EV), and fuel cell vehicles (FCV).

Business Activities and Sustainability Themes Matrix

Table of contents
  1. Used vehicle leasing and sales, vehicle purchasing and sales agency
    • #Promoting a circular economy
  2. Automobile maintenance services
    • #Promoting a circular economy
    • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
    • #Safe & secure mobility solutions
  3. Supporting EV/FCV adoption in auto leasing business
    • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
  4. Introduction of electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles in our car rental and car sharing businesses
    • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
  5. Car rental business / Car sharing business
    • #Promoting a circular economy
    • #Regional vitalization
  6. Truck rental business (disaster recovery assistance)
    • #Disaster recovery
    • #Regional vitalization
  7. Telematics service
    • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
    • #Safe & secure mobility solutions
    • #Improving labor productivity
  8. Development and sale of special-purpose vehicles
    • #Improving labor productivity
    • #Disaster recovery
    • #Safe & secure mobility solutions
    • #Regional vitalization
    • #Aging society
  9. Head office building achieves 100% renewable energy / Using clean energy at car rental locations / Providing green energy for truck rental shops, auction sites
    • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
  10. Next generation mobility service demonstration experiment
    • #Regional vitalization
    • #Promoting innovation & technological change
    • #Promoting a circular economy
  11. NIKKO MaaS - Japan's first environmentally friendly mobility as a service (MaaS) for tourists launched in Nikko
    • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
    • #Regional vitalization
    • #Promoting innovation & technological change

Used vehicle leasing and sales, vehicle purchasing and sales agency

  • #Promoting a circular economy

ORIX Auto provides comprehensive automobile services including automobile leasing, automobile rental, car sharing, and vehicle management services. It had 1.429 million vehicles under management as of March 31, 2024, among the largest in Japan. We also leverage our vehicle expertise in businesses that make use of used vehicles. We operate our own auctions to distribute used vehicles and recycle used vehicles for parts.
In addition to used vehicles that we had offered through our leasing and rental car businesses, we distribute vehicles purchased from corporate and individual customers, and used vehicles from our sales agency service for corporate customers. Used vehicles from our leasing and rental businesses are of particularly good quality because we regularly maintain and inspect them.
We rigorously and comprehensively inspect used vehicles. We only offer those that meet our standards for sale or lease at retail outlets. We hold auctions at our own sites nationwide for the remaining used vehicles to sell them to other companies. We disassemble vehicles that we cannot resell and recycle them for parts.

Inspection and standards

Used car sales: We sell ORIX Certified Used Cars that meet ORIX Auto's own criteria. Our inspections are carried out on all vehicles by AIS Inc. whose quality assessment is quite reliable. We issue certificates with evaluation scores for each vehicle. Based on the standards established by the Nippon Auto Auction Association (NAK), we select and sell only those with no repair histories.
Secondhand car lease: Rigorous vehicle inspections are carried out by third party institutions to check ORIX's criteria such as year of manufacture, mileage, repair history and exterior and interior condition, to ensure we select and provide only vehicles that meet our standards.

Land transport

Transportation of used vehicles is entrusted to multiple land transportation companies. We regularly hold meetings about transport safety with each company.


For vehicles without resale value, we recycle them as parts and raw material through our partners around the country.

Purchase / sales agency service (entry to auctions)

We provide the following services so that customers can sell with confidence after eliminating compliance risk.
Purchase: removing the company's signboard from car bodies, submitting various certificates etc.
Selling service for outsourcing: arranging transportation of vehicles, removing the company's signboard from car bodies, paperwork, etc.


In addition to 4 bidding venues and 5 satellite venues, we use external bidding venues. We utilize our own bidding venues and external auction sites distributed across the country to reduce the transportation distance of vehicles and thereby reduce CO2 emission.
Only corporate members who have been evaluated by ORIX Auto can participate in bidding at the venue. Members are exporters, domestic retailers, and wholesale distributors. Members can both bid and sell.

Automobile maintenance services

  • #Promoting a circular economy
  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
  • #Safe & secure mobility solutions

ORIX Auto offers maintenance lease service packages covering most of the administrative work related to vehicles, such as vehicle procurement, periodic check-ups, mandatory vehicle inspections, payment of various taxes, and accident assistance.
ORIX Auto helps to reduce the environmental impact of customer vehicles by improving fuel economy and reducing exhaust gas during the inspection process, such as by changing or replenishing the oil, checking tire pressure, and replacing worn or deteriorated parts. ORIX Auto also conserves resources by promoting the use of recycled parts when replacing parts during repairs.
ORIX Auto established ORIX Maintenance Club in 1984 and the major garages to which maintenance is outsourced to have joined. As of March 31, 2024, maintenance was outsourced to 9,041 garages. Other supporting members of the ORIX Maintenance Club include tire and battery manufacturers, property and casualty insurance companies, and oil and parts manufacturers. The club holds a national convention once a year and regional conventions twice a year to share information, and also holds workshops to improve the level of maintenance technology and service. ORIX Auto periodically conducts surveys on the operations of maintenance contractors to confirm that they are providing maintenance necessary for safe driving without providing excessive maintenance.
ORIX Auto supplies garages with rebuilt components for some parts used for vehicle maintenance and repair. Rebuilt components are produced by disassembling and cleaning used components and refurbishing worn and deteriorated parts for reuse, and help reduce CO2 emissions generated in the process of manufacturing new parts. ORIX Auto maintains rigorous inspection standards for finished products so that they are equivalent to new products in performance. ORIX Auto has relationships with numerous suppliers of rebuilt parts to ensure the availability of high-quality parts when needed. Supplies are subjected to annual quality checks, and ORIX Auto does business only with highly reliable suppliers.
Finally, each garage recycles waste parts from vehicle maintenance and repair through recycling contractors.

System of automobile maintenance lease service

Supporting EV/FCV adoption in auto leasing business

  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions

In recent years, dramatic advances in automobile technology have put the spotlight on electric vehicles (EVs) and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) as they do not emit CO2 while in operation; however, EVs and FCVs represent less than 1% of the approximate 83 million vehicles owned in Japan. Key reasons for this include lingering concerns about vehicle price, cruising range, and charging/filling infrastructure. A core mission for ORIX Auto is creating an environment that steadily resolves customer concerns surrounding buying EVs and FCVs so people can purchase clean vehicles with confidence, and we will promote and strengthen our support of customers' environmental efforts.

Introduction of electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles in our car rental and car sharing businesses

  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions

ORIX Auto promotes the introduction and provision of vehicles that offer superior environmental performance through the operation of car rental and car sharing businesses. Of the approximately 74,000 vehicles under its management, roughly 17,300 are electric, hybrid, or fuel cell vehicles (as of March 31, 2024).

Car rental business / Car sharing business

  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
  • #Regional vitalization

ORIX Auto promotes the development of a sharing economy through the operation of car rental and car sharing businesses at over 2,500 locations nationwide.
The Japanese car sharing business started in 2002 when ORIX Auto and seven private companies took over the electric vehicle sharing experiment of the Association of Electronic Technology for Automobile Traffic and Driving. Since 2007, ORIX Auto began business operating this business independently.
ORIX Auto has led the promotion of the sharing economy by developing various novel, first-in-the-industry measures and developing markets and improving convenience for customers. Initially, ORIX Auto promoted understanding of the term “car sharing” and that customer recognition these cars can be borrowed “easily” and “for a short time”. This message was then supplemented with explanation of the advantages of sharing based on changing societal demands; for example, responding to increased environmental awareness by explaining how CO2 reduction can be achieved by combined use of car sharing and public transportation and meeting consumer needs to reduce car ownership costs by explaining that car sharing allows for use only when necessary. ORIX Auto has worked to expand the car sharing market through such explanation and promotion of the advantages of car sharing.
Additionally, in a joint initiative with Aizuwakamatsu City Hall in Fukushima Prefecture, city hall employees can car share with citizens unaffiliated with city hall. City hall employees are granted exclusive access to the designated cars on weekdays while others are granted access on weekends and public holidays. ORIX Auto is using its resources effectively by enhancing convenience and optimizing mixed mode commuting.


(As of end-March 2024)
Car Sharing
Members: Approximately 420,000
Locations: Approximately 1,630, primarily in urban areas
Vehicles: Approximately 2,500

Rental car
Locations: 881
Vehicles: Approximately 74,000

Related Link

Truck rental business (disaster recovery assistance)

  • #Disaster recovery
  • #Regional vitalization

ORIX Auto has developed a truck rental business with a wide range of work vehicles for construction and civil engineering operators, with stable and punctual support services such as insurance coverage at the industry's highest standards and 24/7 accident support.
Since the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011, we have expanded vehicles and opened new stores in areas impacted by natural disasters for the purpose of assisting timely restoration and reconstruction of the area. We rent mid-sized dump trucks, cranes, light vans, and other vehicles which are expected to be in demand for rebuilding and restoration work, such as expressway construction, maintenance of coastline areas, projects to relocate buildings to higher grounds, and others. We also operate aluminum vans and refrigerator trucks, demand for which is expected to rise due to increases in housing construction.
As outlined above, we have enhanced services aimed at supporting disaster restoration and reconstruction projects nationwide.


Number of bases for truck rental services: 55 (As of the end of March 2024)

Related Link

Telematics service

  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
  • #Safe & secure mobility solutions
  • #Improving labor productivity

In ORIX Auto's “e-Telematics” service, an onboard device with communication and GPS functions is installed in customer vehicles to visualize their operating status. The onboard device collects information in real time on driver behavior, including driving speed and rapid acceleration or deceleration. The service then analyzes this driving data to reduce the environmental load from vehicle use.
Specifically, an email is sent to a designated recipient upon the occurrence of unsafe driving behavior, such as excessive speed or rapid acceleration or deceleration. Drivers will therefore want to drive more carefully to avoid receiving such emails, leading to safe, environmentally sound driving that reduces fuel costs, improves fuel economy and reduces CO2 emissions.
By analyzing this data, we identify compliance, safety and environmental issues in the operation and management of a company's fleet of vehicles and provide support through consulting services on appropriate labor management of drivers, accident prevention, methods to reduce the environmental impact of driving, and other matters.
For corporations, we offer e-Telematics for sales vehicles, an e-Telematics service with connected drive recorder functionality, and e-Telematics PRO with a digital tachograph*1 certification for transportation vehicles. certification for transportation vehicles. In August 2018, we began sales of Nauto, an AI-equipped dashcam developed by Nauto Inc. of the United States, an AI technology company in the automotive field. The product caters to the needs of corporations that want to prevent accidents caused by distracted driving, dozing driving, and road rage.
In February 2020, we conducted demonstration experiments with the Transportation Bureau of Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, to establish an elderly driver watching system using AI. The aging of drivers in Kitakyushu Municipal Bus is becoming an important issue in terms of operation safety and business continuity. In this demonstration experiment, we introduced e-Telematics and Nauto into the vehicles of Kitakyushu Municipal Bus, and built a "Safe Driving Support System" based on the data obtained from them. This experiment showed that collection and analysis of driving data utilizing AI and advanced technology contributed to safer driving. As a result, Kitakyushu Municipal Bus system decided to fully introduce Nauto since November 2021, and is utilizing it as part of the “Safe Driving Support System.”

  1. Digital travel recorder
The enviromental effects of e-Telematics


Number of vehicles with Telematics Service: 109,000 (As of the end of March 2024)

Related Link

Development and sale of special-purpose vehicles

  • #Improving labor productivity
  • #Disaster recovery
  • #Safe & secure mobility solutions
  • #Regional vitalization
  • #Aging society

ORIX Auto uses the expertise it has cultivated in truck and specialty vehicle leasing to plan and develop mobile bank branch vehicles and mobile office vehicles that are equipped according to customer requirements.
Mobile bank branch vehicles enable financial institutions to provide financial services without opening a branch. We began developing these vehicles in response to a request from a regional bank whose branches had been damaged in the Great East Japan Earthquake.
In addition to financial institutions that adopt these vehicles for use in disaster preparedness as part of their business continuity plan, an increasing number of institutions use the vehicles as way to support members in regions where they have consolidated branches to raise operating efficiency.
We developed the mobile office vehicle to meet customer requirements for reduced working hours and other ways to increase operating efficiency. Our mobile office vehicles are modified commercial-use vans equipped with a desk, a chair with storage capabilities, an inverter, an air conditioner and an LED lamp. Mobile office vehicles serve as simple offices and enable office work as time permits. They can improve labor efficiency, lessen employee fatigue, and reduce office rental costs at construction sites and other locations where temporary offices are difficult to install.


(As of March 31, 2024)
Mobile bank branch vehicle sales: 202 unites
Mobile office vehicle rental units in inventory: 196 units nationwide

Head office building achieves 100% renewable energy / Using clean energy at car rental locations / Providing green energy for truck rental shops, auction sites

  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions

ORIX Auto now sources the energy used at its headquarters building entirely from renewable energy; as a result, it effectively uses 100% renewable energy. Renewable energy generated at ORIX Group operated biomass (coal co-fired) plants is converted into non-fossil fuel energy certificates with tracking information. ORIX Corporation has a significant retail electricity supply business through which it is able to provide ORIX Auto with electricity using these energy certificates. In the fiscal year ended March 2024, this initiative resulted in annual CO2 emissions reductions of approximately 419.4 tons for ORIX Auto.

The car rental business has worked to ensure clean energy is used at its passenger car retail rental locations from the fiscal year ended March 2022. Going forward, we aim to utilize clean energy at truck rental shops and auction sites, in an effort to continue to reduce CO2 emissions at ORIX Auto facilities.

Next generation mobility service demonstration experiment

  • #Regional vitalization
  • #Promoting innovation & technological change
  • #Promoting a circular economy

ORIX Auto has commenced a demonstration experiment for one-way car sharing service. One-way car sharing is a service which allows cars to be returned at stations different from where they were picked up and is more convenient for users than the conventional round-trip method.
Through demonstration testing, ORIX Auto accumulates data about the level of user needs and test the business viability and operation system of one-way car sharing. ORIX Auto aims to address issues regarding mobility faced by further evolving car sharing services with digital technologies.

NIKKO MaaS - Japan's first environmentally friendly mobility as a service (MaaS) for tourists launched in Nikko

  • #Climate change / Reducing GHG emissions
  • #Regional vitalization
  • #Promoting innovation & technological change

ORIX Auto participates in the NIKKO MaaS Consortium, Japan's first environmentally friendly mobility as a service for tourists. The Ministry of the Environment has selected Nikko MaaS as a “Supported Project: Automotive CASE Regional Decarbonization Transport Model.” The government scheme is aimed at establishing pioneering models for net-zero emissions, with the goal of realizing carbon neutrality and a decarbonized society by 2050. It supports cutting-edge private initiatives capable of leading Japan into a new era by enabling new automotive CASE regional decarbonization transport models, through the incorporation of fresh business models, technologies, and innovations.
By promoting a switch from private cars to rail transport when visiting Nikko to reduce traffic congestion, Nikko MaaS aims to cut greenhouse gas emission volumes through increased usage of rail transport. The consortium aims for Nikko MaaS to become a model for decarbonization initiatives at other tourist destinations. In addition, by promoting the establishment and use of car sharing services for environmentally friendly EVs for leisure use, it will seek to strengthen awareness of the Nikko region as an environmentally-friendly tourist destination, while revitalizing the region through promotion of tourism in surrounding areas.