Environment Data

ORIX Group Environmental Performance Data

CO2 Avoided Emissions through the Renewable Energy Business

  FY ended March 31,
FY ended March 31,
Wind Power Generation 1,670,000 2,155,000
Solar Power Generation 1,297,000 1,425,000
Geothermal Power Generation 640,000 477,000
Hydropower Generation 428,000 406,000
Biomass Power Generation 254,000 198,000
Total 4,289,000 4,661,000
Scope and Concept
Calculation Period From April 1 to March 31 each fiscal year
Calculation Scope ORIX Group Companies in Japan and overseas (including affiliated companies)
Basic Concept
  • Calculations are performed by multiplying the reduced amount of activity among customers or society as a whole due to ORIX Group’s renewable energy business activities by CO2 emissions factors.
  • Operating Margin Grid Emission Factors by country and region from “The IFI Dataset of Default Grid Factors v3.2” are used for emissions factors.
  • We calculated CO2 avoided emissions based on our ownership ratio.

ORIX Group’s CO2 Avoided Emissions for Past Years*

  FY ended March 31,
FY ended March 31,
FY ended March 31,
FY ended March 31,

Environment and Energy Business

Wind Power Generation 573,100 739,900 1,157,900 1,324,000
Solar Power Generation 428,700 499,900 540,900 720,000
Geothermal Power Generation 544,700 1,073,600 949,500 845,400
Hydropower Generation 0 0 88,800 112,500
Biomass Power Generation 46,000 43,000 43,700 241,400
Electricity Supply 0 0 31,500 49,500
ESCO Services 93,700 93,500 100,800 118,800
Other Environment and Energy Business 700 800 100 22,300
Auto Business 142,200 157,000 171,100 188,100
Other businesses 7,700 10,800 9,100 5,500
Total 1,836,800 2,618,500 3,093,400 3,627,500
  • Calculation scope includes only the renewable energy business from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 onwards. Also, emissions factors have been reviewed.
    Please see below for scope and concept of calculation for past years.
Scope and concept of calculation for past years
Calculation Period From April 1 to March 31 each fiscal year
Calculation Scope ORIX Group Companies in Japan and overseas (including affiliated companies)
Basic Concept
  • Calculations are performed by multiplying the reduced amount of activity among customers or society as a whole due to ORIX Group’s business activities by CO2 emissions factors.
  • For calculation of business activities in Japan, in principle the emissions factors we use are “alternate values” under the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting, Reporting, and Disclosure System (Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures).

    Emissions Factors
    FY2018.3  0.000512 t-CO2/kWh
    FY2019.3  0.000500 t-CO2/kWh
    FY2020.3  0.000488 t-CO2/kWh
    FY2021.3  0.000470 t-CO2/kWh

  • For calculation of overseas business activities, in principle, we use emissions factors from each country.
  • Calculations also include CO2 reduction credits redeemed during the calculation period after being acquired by ORIX Group.
  • We calculated CO2 avoided emissions based on our ownership ratio.

ORIX Group's GHG Emissions

  FY ended March 31, 2019 FY ended March 31, 2020 FY ended March 31, 2021 FY ended March 31, 2022 FY ended March 31, 2023
Scope 1 907,345 1,138,566 987,771 1,044,892 981,519
Scope 2 146,469 112,444 151,055 151,980 139,766
Scope 1&2 Total 1,053,814 1,251,010 1,138,826 1,196,872 1,121,285
Scope 1 (Direct GHG emissions occurring from sources that are owned or controlled by the Company (fuel consumption, industrial processes))
 Combustion of fuels including fuel oil, diesel, gasoline, city gas, coal, biomass, and waste, use of limestone for desulfurization treatment
Scope 2 (Indirect GHG emissions from purchased energy consumed by the Company (electricity use, heat, and steam))
 Electricity use and heat (steam, cold water, warm water)

★ Items subject to independent assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.

Scope and Method
Calculation Period From April 1 to March 31 each fiscal year
Boundary Through FY ended March 31, 2020: Consolidated ORIX Group companies in Japan (excluding investees in our PE Investment business)
FY ended March 31, 2021 onwards: Consolidated ORIX Group companies (Japan and overseas, excluding a limited number of overseas offices as well as entities which were consolidated in the last quarter of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023)
Target Activities GHG Protocol direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions (Scope 2)
Calculation Method
  • GHG emissions (converted to CO2) are calculated based on the GHG Protocol and the “Ministerial Ordinance Concerning Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with Business Activities of Specified Emitters” (calculated based on Group GHG calculation guidelines).
  • GHG emissions, including CO2 from non-energy sources, methane (CH4), and dinitrogen monoxide (N2O), are calculated based on Company rules concerning the management of environmental information.
  • We use the emissions factors under Japan's Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting System in principle.
  • Scope 2 emissions are market-based emissions, and post-adjustment emissions factors are used as emissions factors related to electricity consumption at offices in Japan. For emissions factors related to electricity consumption at overseas offices, power company-specific emission factors are used when available, and otherwise the International Energy Agency’s CO2 emissions factors from electricity generation by country are used.
  • Scope 2 emissions include emissions related to power purchases from ORIX Group power generation companies (intra-Group transactions). Emissions related to power purchases (intra-Group transactions) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 were 7 thousand t-CO2e.


・ Change in emissions factors: Beginning from data for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, we have changed the calculation for emissions related to electricity consumption to the market-based method.
・ Emissions from coal-biomass co-fired power plants: ORIX operates two coal-biomass co-fired power plants in Japan. One is Soma Coal and Biomass Power Plant in Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture, which started operations in March 2018. The other is Hibikinada Coal and Biomass Power Plant in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, which started operations in December 2018. Each of these power plants has a total generating capacity of 112 MW. Emissions from these two plants for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 were 793 thousand t-CO2e.

Third-Party Assurance
Since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, we have continuously received independent assurance for our GHG emissions disclosure.
FY ended March 31, 2023
【Third-Party Assurance for Past Years】
Independent Assurance Reports shown below are reports issued for past disclosures, not for this disclosure.
FY ended March 31, 2022
FY ended March 31, 2021
FY ended March 31, 2020
FY ended March 31, 2019
FY ended March 31, 2018
FY ended March 31, 2017
Scope 3 (Value Chain GHG Emissions) and ORIX’s Businesses

FY ended March 31, 2023

Scope 3 (Value chain GHG emissions) information for previous periods is disclosed in the following reports.
FY ended March 2022
FY ended March 2021

Emissions for categories other than those listed above are as follows.

  FY ended March 31, 2023
Category 6 39
Category 7 4
Scope and Method
Calculation Period From April 1 to March 31
Calculation Scope Consolidated ORIX Group companies
Calculation Method
  • Category 6 (Business travel) Expense of business travel × Emission factors
  • Category 7 (Employee commuting) Expense of commuting × Emission factors
  • The Ministry of the Environment’s emission source unit database (version 3.3) for calculating greenhouse gas emissions through the supply chain are used for emissions factors.

ORIX Corporation Water Usage and Waste Disposal Volume

Water Usage
  FY ended March 31, 2021 FY ended March 31, 2022 FY ended March 31, 2023
Water withdrawal Approx. 197,000m3 Approx. 249,000m3 Approx. 273,000m3
Rainwater Approx. 7,000m3 Approx. 2,000m3 Approx. 2,000m3
Water discharge Approx. 197,000m3 Approx. 248,000m3 Approx. 272,000m3
Scope and Method
Calculation Period From April 1 to March 31 each fiscal year
Calculation Scope ORIX Corporation
Calculation Method
  • Most of the water withdrawal is purchased from utilities. However, rainwater use is reflected in the water withdrawal figure because some buildings where ORIX Corporation is a tenant collect and use rainwater. No other sources such as surface water or groundwater are used for water withdrawal.
  • Wastewater is discharged into the sewage system at all locations, and the amount is essentially the same as the amount of water withdrawal.
  • For locations where actual water usage could not be ascertained, it was estimated using a basic unit average calculated by a green building industry association based on water usage and floor space of locations. In this calculation, the water intake and wastewater amounts are assumed to be the same.


・ The scope of data calculation for water usage encompasses, in principle, locations for which disclosure is required under the Act on the Rational Use of Energy. All locations owned and managed by ORIX Corporation are covered. 113 locations used water in the fiscal year ended March 2023.

Waste Disposal Volume
  FY ended March 31, 2021 FY ended March 31, 2022 FY ended March 31, 2023
Disposal volume 173 tons 661 tons 302 tons
Scope and Method
Calculation Period From April 1 to March 31 each fiscal year
Calculation Scope ORIX Corporation's industrial waste*1

*1 The waste subject to calculation is the industrial waste generated from business activities as defined in the Japanese law “The Waste Management and Public Cleaning Act”, such as cinder, sludge, waste oil, waste acid, waste alkali, waste plastics and other specified waste.

Calculation Method
  • Emissions are calculated using the industrial waste manifests*2 issued by ORIX Corporation.

*2 A document describing the type and quantity of industrial waste that, under the Waste Management and Public Cleaning Act, must be issued by a business that generates industrial waste and entrusts the disposal of such waste to another company.


・ ORIX Corporation moved its headquarters in May 2021. Therefore, the amount of waste temporarily increased for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022.

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