Sustainability Policy

Contributing to society by creating new value through our business activities has been fundamental to ORIX since founding. ORIX believes that it is important for a company to make a profit, but making a profit is not everything. Providing new value to society and being a company that is needed by society are also important, and the profit that results makes ORIX’s sustainable growth possible.

In addition, operating with an awareness of sustainability has become fundamental to the survival of companies amid constantly shifting economic, social and environmental conditions. These shifting conditions include dramatic changes in the natural environment due to climate change along with their related economic impacts as well as changes in society’s expectations regarding the relationship between companies and society.

Based on this thinking, ORIX strives to accurately assess and identify the opportunities and risks arising from economic, social and environmental changes in order to work with our stakeholders and community to contribute to the economic development and sustainable growth of the larger global community, and to incorporate those opportunities and risks into our corporate management.

As a group of ORIX, we strive to incorporate sustainability into our corporate management. In implementing this policy, we will consider the fund characteristics and the needs of investors, given that our business is primarily in the execution of operations entrusted by investors.

In addition to our Corporate Philosophy, links to policies and data related to the environment, social, and governance are posted below.