ESG Initiatives

ESG Policy

We at ORIX Asset Management Corporation, believe that it is vital to consider issues surrounding ESG (environment, society and governance) in order to achieve sustainable asset management. We have established our ESG Policy to put these beliefs into practice and to achieve stable growth in unitholder value, which is in line with OJR's management philosophy.

<Basic stance>

1. Respect for human rights and compliance with labor practices

2. Response to climate change

3. Consideration for the environment (response to the ecosystem, biodiversity, waste and water resources)

4. Collaboration with stakeholders

5. Promotion of health and comfort for customers (tenants and users)

6. Response to executives and employees

7. Risk management, compliance, and fair business practices

8. Promotion of information disclosure and visualization of ESG

>Click here to view the appendix of ESG Policy

Membership and Signatories

In July 2014, ORIX Group joined the United Nations Global Compact. We support the ten principles in four fields: human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. We promote initiatives in each of these fields.

ORIX Asset Management Corporation is a signatory to the following initiatives.
・Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
・Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
・Principles for Financial Action towards a Sustainable Society
・Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)

Human Capital Strategies

ORIX Group Human Capital Strategies

As a member of the ORIX Group, ORIX Asset Management Corporation makes active efforts to improve the working environment and enhance various benefits for its employees.
We strive to maximize our employees' individual talent and expertise based on our concept of "keep mixed."

Please see ORIX JREIT Inc. ESG Report for details about human capital strategies.


ORIX Integrated Report

ORIX Sustainability Report