ORIX's Talent Strategy

ORIX's Talent Strategy

People are ORIX's most valuable asset. The concept Keep Mixed—the idea that diverse talent creates synergy—is the foundation on which our pool of talent is based. It is our belief that hiring talent of varying nationalities, ages, genders, and work experience is the key to blending diverse values and skills in addition to creating new value, which is the backbone of ORIX's growth. ORIX's human resources strategy centers around building a rewarding work environment where diverse talent can maximize their individual knowledge and expertise.

ORIX operates a wide range of businesses in approximately 30 countries worldwide, so it requires talent with expertise in various fields. To make this possible, we continuously reform our human resources system ahead of current social conventions and create fulfilling workplaces by establishing a work environment that respects diverse styles of working and enables talent to flourish. Additionally, at ORIX, developing talent that can thrive on a global scale is a priority, and there are extensive opportunities for employees who actively take on challenges. ORIX knows that in order for employees to fully develop their skills and maximize their contributions, employee initiative is important, but it is also essential that the company takes responsibility for this development and provides programs to support employees in their efforts to develop skills and expertise. ORIX is committed to creating an environment where employees can fully expand on their potential and build lasting careers while maintaining their mental and physical health/wellbeing.

ORIX respects the values of each of its employees, and prioritizes close communication with them to ensure a healthy, secure work environment for all. Carrying out the ORIX Group Employee Engagement Survey allows ORIX to grasp trends in employee engagement, and survey results are also utilized in a variety of human resources areas, such as judging how the ORIX Group Purpose & Culture has spread through the organization. We have launched a Work Style Reform Project, which incorporates opinions from employees with the aim of creating an enjoyable workplace. These measures are designed to foster a culture which recognizes diverse working styles while realizing a highly efficient workplace.

Keep Mixed Creating New Value from Fusion of Intelligence

Human Resources-related Material Issues and Key Sustainability Goals

ORIX positions human resources—an essential asset—as one of its key themes and has set the following material issue and key goal.

Material Issue Continue to improve employee satisfaction by respecting the diversity of our employees and creating an inclusive and equitable working environment that promotes flexible working styles and provides career development support, fair performance review and compensation schemes, and employee health support systems.
Key Goal Female employees to account for over 30% of management positions at ORIX Group by the end of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2030.
  • A comprehensive list of our material issues and key sustainability goals can be found here.
  • Data concerning ORIX Group's female managers can be found here.

Ideal Characteristics


Proactively Creating
New Businesses

ORIX intends to contribute to society through its businesses. In sensing society's needs and consistently seeking out new businesses, our diverse employees pool their wisdom to provide innovative products and services. To remain a company that is essential to society, we look for employees with the flexibility and creativity to proactively create new opportunities and businesses.


Taking on New Challenges and
Acquiring a High Level of Expertise

To create new businesses, we believe that our employees must have a positive attitude about taking on new challenges without fear of failure. Because our sphere of activity requires various types of specialized competence, we seek out employees who regularly take on new challenges as they acquire a high level of expertise throughout their careers.

Team Play

Respecting Diversity and Actively
Driving Collaboration

ORIX has expanded its operations by emphasizing teamwork and pooling the wisdom of its various business divisions with their wide-ranging expertise. Therefore, we look for employees who display teamwork that respects diversity and actively drives collaboration.

ORIX Group Employee Engagement Survey

ORIX proactively conducts communication with employees through a variety of initiatives. To obtain data on how employees feel about their daily work for use in future human resource measures, we introduced a survey of employee morale in 2004, and results are disclosed internally. Since 2024, the ORIX Group Employee Engagement Survey has been used to grasp trends in employee engagement, as well as to judge how well ORIX’s Group Purpose and Culture has penetrated the organization. All employee responses are anonymous. Results are used to aid in organizational management of workplaces at ORIX Group companies and at ORIX Corporation. They are also utilized as a reference for deciding human resources measures for the ORIX Group or for verifying the effectiveness of current measures.

Work Style Reform Project

In October 2016, by direct request of the CEO of ORIX Group, we launched our Work Style Reform Project. The project aspires to create high productivity and efficiency, and support activities with a focus on fostering a culture that recognizes diverse working styles.

Work Style Reform Project Timeline

Fiscal Year Ended March 2017: Launching the Work Style Reform Project and Identifying Employee Needs
We established a committee made up of more than 200 employees from 10 major ORIX Group companies. This committee discussed specific issues and efforts over the course of about 6 months and then proposed approximately 120 ideas to the CEO.

Fiscal Year Ended March 2018: A Year of Promoting Work Style Reform
Based on the proposals made by employees during this project, we implemented 80 measures centered on our human resources system to promote diverse and flexible working styles. Notably, we enhanced working hour flexibility by establishing a new super flextime system that eliminates the core working hours of the prior flextime system, established a system of annual paid leave in one-hour units, and expanded the incentive system to encourage employees to use their vacation days. We also launched an internal intern system to support diverse career prospects.

Fiscal Year Ended March 2019: A Year of Investing to Improve Productivity
To increase workplace flexibility and support various working styles, we built an infrastructure to enable work outside the office by upgrading our IT equipment and expanding external satellite offices. At the same time, we launched a system of financial support for self-improvement so employees can effectively utilize free time created through the promotion of work style reforms.

Post-Fiscal Year Ended March 2020: Continuing Productivity Enhancement
As a way of influencing employee mindsets in a positive way, we have circulated good examples of work productivity and efficiency through seminars and an employee portal on our intranet. We have also explored and implemented measures to increase efficiency tailored to diverse businesses across different departments/divisions.
In addition, we have made accommodating changes to address the spread of the coronavirus, such as implementing systems and tools that enable employees from various departments/divisions to make use of flexible work locations and working hours depending on their circumstances. As a result, we have been able to put measures into place to prevent further spread of the coronavirus and create an adaptable work environment that allows employees to work remotely and stagger their work hours.