Corporate Governance at ORIX

Basic Views on Corporate Governance

  • ORIX believes that a robust corporate governance system is essential for ensuring objective management and carrying out appropriate business activities in line with its core policies. We have therefore established a sound and transparent corporate governance system.
  • ORIX’s corporate governance system is characterized by:
    ・Separation of operation and oversight through a “Company with Nominating Committee, etc.” board model;
    ・Nominating, Audit, Compensation Committees composed entirely of outside directors;
    ・All outside directors satisfying strict conditions for independence; and
    ・All outside directors being highly qualified in their respective fields.

Evolution of Corporate Governance

1964:Adopted U.S. GAAP
1970:Listed on the second section of the Osaka Securities Exchange
1997:Established Advisory Board
1998:Introduced Corporate Executive Officer System and listed on the New York Stock Exchange
2003:Transitioned to a “Company with Committees” board model (currently a “Company with Nominating Committee, etc.”)

This is how ORIX has been strengthening corporate governance as a management oversight function since its founding. The current corporate governance framework requires management to maintain a high level of discipline; we believe this is crucial and necessary in achieving a sound, secure corporate governance system, both for management itself and from a corporate management perspective.

Compliance with the Corporate Governance Code
ORIX complies with all principles of the Corporate Governance Code.
Corporate Governance Code (June 11, 2021)Open Link in New Window

ORIX does not engage in cross-shareholdings of publicly traded shares.

Anti-Takeover Measures in Place
ORIX has not introduced any anti-takeover measures as of June 28, 2024. ORIX will continue to carefully examine this matter in light of amendments to laws and regulations and environmental changes and act if necessary.