Environmental Conservation Initiatives

Okinawa coral reef transplant "SANGO ORIX"

Preparing coral seedlings

ORIX Group launched an Okinawa coral revival project called "SANGO ORIX" in 2008 with the goal of planting a total of 10,000 coral seedlings. The seedlings were planted by 2016 and today, the ORIX Miyauchi Foundation—along with local children from Okinawa—transplants these coral seedlings through the SANGO ORIX project.
In collaboration with Pam, Inc., ORIX Auto has also implemented a donation campaign in 2013 to donate a part of its rental car sales to coral reef grafting. There have been 1,555 coral transplants in the past eleven years thus far.

Tree planting donations to coincide with the shift to paperless mailing documents

Every year ORIX Bank donates 30 JPY to tree planting for every customer that accepts paperless instead of physical documents. The results as of the end of March 2023 are as follows:

Total number of trees planted: 339 (Total amount donated: 1,803,780 JPY)

  • First installment (July 2021)
    78 saplings (392,160 JPY) in Ashigawa-cho, Fuefuki, Yamanashi
  • Second installment (June 2022)
    99 saplings (597,630 JPY) in Ozawa District, Hinoharamura, Nishitama-gun, Tokyo
  • Third installment (November 2023)
    162 saplings (813,990 JPY) in Wakamikohara, Onikobe, Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi

Support for organizations committed to tackling climate change

ORIX Corporation USA (ORIX USA) places great emphasis on sustainability as well as creating value for society, and through its corporate citizenship, works with partners who initiate beneficial change in both realms. Embracing this mission, ORIX USA’s Corporate Social Responsibility efforts have focused on organizations that share its sustainability values and work on crucial environmental protection and conservation issues; we hand pick organizations that are aligned with our goals and engage with organizational leaders to encourage dialogue and to understand how donated funds are utilized.

In the fiscal year ended 2024, ORIX USA donated to The Nature Conservancy and Honnold Foundation, among other worthy nonprofit organizations.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. TNC has grown to become one of the most effective and wide-reaching environmental organizations in the world. Thanks to more than a million members and the dedicated efforts of our diverse staff and over 400 scientists, they impact conservation in 77 countries and territories: 41 by direct conservation impact and 36 through partners.

The Honnold Foundation (HF) has worked in dozens of countries around the world, with a mission of partnering with marginalized communities to expand equitable solar energy access. Since 2020, HF’s open calls for grant proposals have resulted in over 2,000 applications from more than 100 countries around the world, representing a pipeline of $120 million in community-based solar energy projects.

With sustainability as one area of focus for corporate giving, ORIX USA actively seeks out nonprofits that are committed to environmental issues, including combatting climate change, to do our part to help reduce environmental challenges and achieve global environmental equity.