External Whistleblower System

As part of its efforts to promote compliance, ORIX Group has established a hotline channel for reports from business partners and other external parties. If you become aware of any conduct by officers and employees of ORIX Group that you believe is or may be in violation of human rights or our compliance policies including actions that may lead to such conduct, please report your concerns to the following point of contact for direct, anonymous consultation.

You may make an anonymous report; however, please note that ORIX Group may be limited in its ability to investigate or respond to the issues if it does not have sufficient information from which to follow up on such report.
The content of reports and consultations are treated as confidential information. All officers and employees of ORIX Group shall act in accordance with the Code of Conduct, and we protect the privacy of any reporters/consultors and do not tolerate retaliation and all forms of adverse treatment toward them.

Reporting routes, our response to whistleblower reports and the number of reports raised through the External Whistleblower system can be found here: Internal Whistleblower System.

Scope of items subject to reporting

Conduct by officers and employees of ORIX Group that is or may be in violation of ORIX Group compliance policies

  • Fraud, violations of laws and regulations (kickbacks, fictitious bills, falsification of documents, unauthorized entertainment/gift requests, transactions suspected of money laundering, etc.)
  • Human rights violations, discrimination and harassment
  • Bullying or abuse of power by superiors
  • Any other illegal activity or unethical conduct

Hotline for External Parties

Group Compliance Department
ORIX Corporation

Hotline Form

  • Defamation or slander shall not be accepted.
  • Please refrain from posting advertising or solicitation of services on this form.